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Job Interview Questions is an extremely useful website covering just about anything you could be asked in a job interview.

One of the greatest things about this site is that they cover both sides of the coin. They have advise for interviewers as well as those being interviewed. One of my favorite pages is about the types of questions and why people ask those types of questions. The page also provides advise on how to answer those types of questions.

There is also a useful page on questions they can ask about the specific job you’re trying to get. Obviously, even if you’re qualified for a job you just may not be the right fit for the company or the specific question, so these types of questions help them know if they really want to hire you.

They also have a fantastic page that basically amounts to the ten commandments of job interviews. These suggestions are simple and applicable to any interview.

I will definitely be revisiting this website as I prepare to get internships or jobs.