Select Page Screenshot is one of the biggest job search websites on the internet. They also invest heavily in advertising of various kinds (I remember getting college search advise booklets co-sponsored by Monster when I was in high school). As part of their efforts to find people jobs, they have an extensive career advise section of their site.

The part of the site most relevant to me right now in my life is the section specifically dedicated to college students and what they can do now to help advance their careers later.

  • One of the articles is entitled “Network on Campus.” It’s been said many times before that networking is one of the best ways to find a job, and this article makes it clear how easy it is to network as a college student. One of the advantages we have at Brigham Young University – Idaho is the Hub City Missionaries, who work to connect BYUI students with employers in major cities. There’s also student organizations (specifically mentioned in the article) that help connect professionals with students.
  • A more specific article on the same subject is “Tap Your School’s Alums for Resources.” One of the parts of this I liked is “if there were ever a group of people to come close, it would be alumni from your college or university. These former students have likely been in your shoes themselves, and are generally among the most willing to help your career development if you ask.” I had never really thought about that before. If anyone wants us to succeed, it’s those who have gone before us, and alumni can be a great resource.
  • Another really useful article is “Pitch Yourself for an Internship.” It is a fantastic example of a cover letter to land an internship. One thing I’ve taken away from it is the sheer enthusiasm for the possibility of the internship. It seems obvious that this individual is excited about the possibility of getting this summer internship and wants it really badly.