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The Public Relations Student Society of America was formed by the Public Relations Society of America as a student organization for those looking to go into public relations. They have almost 10000 members at 284 schools across the country. They provide networking opportunities, scholarships, and travel opportunities to meet with professionals and fellow students.

One of their main focuses is on networking. They seem to recognize the importance of networking with professionals in their field, and they seek to do all they can to help the members of the society get a job post-graduation. As another service they offer, they have a job center to have the students find internships and entry level jobs.

They’ve also got a long list of scholarships that are available for the members to win. It’s nearly $20,000 a year.

I’ll be honest. I’m not particularly interested in public relations, but they have numerous great resources for those looking to take that path. Especially their newsletters.