Andrew Bell
[Contact information has been removed for privacy purposes. To contact me, please use the contact form on the site.]
Limousine Call Center, Customer Service Representative
May-August 2008
- Customer service representative representing several limousine companies throughout the United States, mostly in California and New York.
- Took inbound calls to assist customers in making limousine reservations, modify existing reservations and answered general questions about the service for customers.
- Helped to establish customer loyalty towards individual companies, and worked to coordinate joint efforts between limousine companies.
Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce, Volunteer Designer
Spring 2007
- Volunteered as a designer for the Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce.
- Designed the logo for the Chamber’s annual Walla Walla Balloon Stampede Niteglow Show for 2007.
- Logo appeared on signage, shirts, sweatshirts, hats, etc.
Walla Walla High School, High School Diploma
August 2003-June 2007
Took AP Calculus, participated in band throughout all of high school, volunteered for stage crew during Senior year and participated in Future Business Leaders of America during the 2006-2007 school year. 3.9 cumulative GPA.
Brigham Young University – Idaho, Bachelor’s Degree in Communications
Currently a sophomore studying Communications with an undecided emphasis.
Strong desire to help customers and clients get the best quality service they possibly can. Always learning from mistakes and improving during the next project. Able to see fairly clearly what is just a trend and what will be enduring design-wise. Constantly analyzing the world around me to see what can be incorporated into my own ideas.